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Welcome to the Advanced Nanomaterials Group at University of Indonesia

Our lab is interested in the development of advanced nanomaterials. We focus our efforts in the synthesis and characterization of unique nanomaterials such as metal and metal oxides nanoparticles, bimetallic nanoparticles, hybrid nanoparticles, and semiconductor quantum dots with specific potential applications in catalysis, alternative energy, biomedical, electronics and sensing devices, oil and gas industry, and energy storage. We are working collaboratively with both local and international research partners with multi-disciplinary backgrounds in developing various collection of functional nanomaterials with rich variety of applications. 

For further detail about our group, please visit our research activities or contact us. We invite students whom are interested to join our research team. We also welcome any potential research collaborators whom might be interested to do research collaborations with our group. 


Dr. Khalil earned his PhD in chemistry from New Mexico Tech (NMT), USA in 2015. He obtained his BSc in chemistry from Bogor Agricultural University in 2007 and M.Eng.Sc. in chemical engineering from University of Malaya in 2011. He was the recipient of 2015 NMT Founders Award and Ambassador Award for Excellence from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Washington DC. He is currently attached as inorganic chemistry lecturer to department of chemistry, University of Indonesia.

Group News

March 2018, Reza, Hasna, Talitha and Gufran joined the group for their undergraduate final year projects. Welcome guys!!!

March 2018, Proposal for "Study of transition metal nanoparticles integration to semiconductor materials for energy and environmental application" is funded via Hibah PITTA.

February 2018, Gita Rahmaningsih and M. Fariz joined the group to work on the synthesis of Au-TiO2 nanohybrids for CO2 photoreduction.

January 2018, Proposal for the "Development of CdSe-TiO2-Au nanohybrid" is funded by Ministry of Research and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) under PDUPT Scheme!!! 

July 2017, Latest manuscript is accepted in IJTech. Alhamdulilah!

April 2017, Latest paper on aquathermolysis of heavy oil is accepted at Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Alhamdulilah!!

January 2017, Great news. Our manuscript has been accepted at Applied Energy. Alhamdulilah!!

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